Request/Guidelines for Parents

You child is a precious jewel which requires proper shape and polishing.You are an expert artisan who care for the child..

Please See that-:

  • Your child comes to school daily in time and attends morning assembly regularly.
  • .
  • He/She has neat, clean and complete uniform.

  • He/ She does home-work regularly.

  • He/She is dutiful and keep good company.

  • His/ Her genuine needs are fulfilled immediately as the money spend on Education is the best investment.

  • He/She keeps good health and does not ask for half a day or full day leave frequently on the health grounds. Get him/her treated immediately and do not send him/her to school untill full recovery. Medical fitness certificate is to be attached with application.

  • You may meet the principal, Class teacher or subject teacher whenever required with proper permission of the principal.

  • Your child gets books, stationary,uniform and school dues in time.

  • You park your vehicle at the left side first and than allow him/her to get down.

  • You register your name , address, date and time of arrival and departure purpose of visit and append your signature in the register mantained at the reception.

  • Your child's attendance is not less than 75% in all three terms to make him/her eligible to appear in Annual board Examination.

  • Your child does not bring money,ornaments or any other valuable to school.

  • The date of birth certificate and caste certificate bears the name of your child.

  • The name and surname is written in order and spelt correctly.The name and spelling , once entered shall continue in future.

  • The friends and acquaintnaces are not permitted see the students in school campus.

  • You do not bring direct or indirect pressure on the school administration for the admission or for promoting the child.Such case will be treated as disqualfied.

Note: If either of the parents or the students misbehaves with the teaching or non-teaching members of the school staff, the concerned ward/wards will be debarred from attending the class till the ward satisfies the Principal about his action. However, if a ward or anyone of the parents misbehaves with the Principal, the name of the ward will be struck off from the rolls and his/her security will automatically be forfeited.
